Zombie Startups | Danielle Morrill

My greatest fear as a startup founder isn’t to fail, it is to become a zombie startup. Kind of like in the 6th Sense when Bruce Willis doesn’t realize he is dead and tries to have a nice dinner with his wife, there are startups out there who are still “operating” but might as well not be. Zombie Startups | Danielle Morrill.

March 11, 2013 · 1 min · 62 words · Me

Awesome proto.in, jan 2009

Proto has been taking place for sometime, but Jan 2009 is my first proto.in attendance and it was worth the trip to Bangalore. I went in with some expectations and yes, they were fulfilled. The highlights of the event is given below. Awesome talks - There was one talk by Bob Young(founder of redhat) which was simply awesome. There were others as well which were informative and fun sessions. Great audience - People from all walks of professional life, met a lawyer, a HR guy, a finance guy and so on … with so much variety one can only choose to get bored of such company....

January 28, 2009 · 2 min · 267 words · Me