Installing Solr + Tomcat on RHEL5

Installing JDK Download the latest Sun JDK RPM. Go to and navigate to the downloads page. As of this writing it is If you are on a text console, you may want to use the “links” text browser rather than wget or curl. The Sun site requires you to accept a license agreement before it will allow you to access the download. Navigate to the downloads for a recent version of the JDK (e....

March 31, 2010 · 4 min · 649 words · Me

RHEL5 : Yum to munin

So here are some dead easy ways of getting munin and munin-node installed on your RHEL5 server. First add RPM Forge repository rpm -Uhv Then just fire yum install munin munin-node Now, you have your munin running. Lets turn our attention to monit. First add this new repo to you rpm -Uvh Then go ahead and install monit using yum install monit Now this my friend was real easy !...

March 18, 2010 · 1 min · 77 words · Me