Twitter background generator version 0.1

Working on a very basic twitter background generator, right now focusing on how to get the sidebar width right. It is very much under use at my twitter handle @dipankarsarkar ( The core idea is to be abe to communicate more information about what i do as a person using the background image. Some features that I personally want are Transparency for the sidebar - The image underneath should be visible, right now its a grey opaque color....

September 18, 2009 · 1 min · 169 words · Me

Nginx + django fcgi lessons

Today was a good day as i learned some valuable lessons about django and nginx. ALWAYS close the database cursor in django, it can lead to some pretty wierd memory issues going forward. FIND the most optimal number of database connections you initialize for you connection pooling. This will let you optimize on memory going forward. ENSURE that you do not set a very high client_timeout, this means that if connections are not explicitly not closed by the client then the web server will not timeout....

January 19, 2009 · 1 min · 138 words · Me