Gotcha with exporting MySQL tables for windows

I encountered some interesting issues when pulling out CSV from my MySQL databases. The core issue was the csv generated was not seemingly compatible with the various spreadsheet readers in Windows. After having a closer look at the file, it turns out to be an encoding issue clearly. As the database was Latin1 encoded, the carriage return was handled as r [shows up as ^M on VI] in some text blobs....

January 9, 2013 · 1 min · 137 words · Me

Support and PHP

So got to setting up OTRS, neat email based support system and it works pretty well it seems. There are some issues setting it up initially, but it integrates very well into your support email ! Should have thought of using it for kwippy once i think about it he he. Just managed to get PHP compiled from source with php-fpm patch on it, the configure string was as follows...

August 2, 2010 · 1 min · 146 words · Me