Geeksphone Keon unboxing

I have the using the Geeksphone Keon over the last couple of weeks and its been an interesting experience till now. Just to start things of here is the unboxing of the packed unit. The box is really beautiful and really reminds you of a great mozilla experience! [caption id=“attachment_604” align=“aligncenter” width=“225”] The top side of the box![/caption] [caption id=“attachment_605” align=“aligncenter” width=“225”] The bottom of the box![/caption] [caption id=“attachment_601” align=“aligncenter” width=“225”] Neatly arranged battery, and handsfree!...

May 24, 2013 · 1 min · 130 words · Me

Firefox operating system released!

One of the first things that i wanted to implement in my university [~2006] was a operating system with only the Firefox browser as the core application. Turns out that is a popular reality now with the Chromebook and well to some extent the Firefox OS which is being released. I at that point had no idea that mobile would become that big, with the exposure that I had. Its all coming together!...

March 9, 2013 · 1 min · 205 words · Me

Technology driven MPD : Karthik calling karthik

So i watched this interesting hindi movie today Karthik calling karthik, which should also be be called the watered down Indian version of the cult book & movie ‘Fight club’. [Stop here if you don’t want to know what the movie is] Unlike say fight club where i would say that the plot was beyond most of us ! This movie tries to explain itself too much and loses out on what could have been too easily....

March 1, 2010 · 2 min · 336 words · Me

Posts, tweets and nothing

I am starting from nothing, very little tweeting @dipankarsarkar , and hardly any blog posts here. So 1st December is an attempt at reviving my non-existent web presence. So what keeps me so busy from even writing a simple blog post, i will try to summarize that over the next points Sometime a year back i realized that family was important :), so yes i definitely spend a lot more time with my family....

December 2, 2009 · 3 min · 443 words · Me