Aliexpress : Experiences and improvements

I have been using Aliexpress to buy parts that I am not able to locate at Nehru place [New Delhi, India] especially laptop batteries for older laptops. It has been a pretty smooth experience in terms of ordering, however it is a fairly weak experience when it comes to the shipping. I had ordered 3 items from 3 different sellers and here is the experience [I have removed all the order specific information]...

September 2, 2012 · 2 min · 298 words · Me

Ecommerce in India

There has been so much talk about ecommerce in India, how it is going to revolutionize the way Indians buy/sell stuff. From all the data available it clear that no breakthrough is in sight for any of the models implemented in the market. We can have a look at the classifieds model, which seems to be broken through and through for the India market. We Indians do not like to sell our used stuff, and well do not want to buy it as well....

August 29, 2012 · 2 min · 340 words · Me