Lessons in perception management

One of my recent experiments with myself has lead me to the conclusion that actual objective work done is not as important as perception management. On the contrary, people who do perception management get some work done sometimes. This recent run had enough data points for me to validate my own skills, but taught me that work has no co-relation with the final perceived result. Some clear pointers when perception management drives your organization...

October 10, 2012 · 1 min · 204 words · Me

BSing your way through life

One wonders how quickly time flies by ! Its pretty funny to realize that most of the times people are bull shitting other people [or worse, themselves]. The strength of the human mind seems to be its level of delusion, we all are fundamentally delusional. Some more than others. One way of looking at it that you keep it all in check by anchoring your thoughts in reality. Well, the anchoring bit too is relative and a human at best....

September 16, 2010 · 1 min · 157 words · Me

IIT versus everyone

“Life’s fair if you don’t compare” The basis of article is the above quote which has no known author. Yesterday, i was sitting with my friends and i was the only IITian sitting there. When these guys started talking about their university life, well I started to realize that the golden years of fun for them were the toughest years for me and my batch. To start this all out, lets go back to the end of 12th and then college life....

November 18, 2008 · 2 min · 353 words · Me