Pimp your blog up in an hour

Today, after a long time I decided that my blog needed a revamp. Hope you guys like what I have tried with it. The goals at the start of this exercise were as follows: Neat looking template reflecting my minimalist style Good quality SEO, and clean permanent URLs (same as before) Move from the last host (as they are shutting down) Feel fresh and upgrade all the moving parts of the blog...

July 14, 2009 · 3 min · 484 words · Me

Twitter feed wall - great for projectors

Inspired by http://twistori.com/. I wrote a generic tool which will allow people to setup a simple wall where people can post and it will automatically refresh. I built this tool specifically because it was needed at proto.in. I am very sure it will be useful to a lot of people out there. Uses JQuery and a Queues for javascript library. Maybe someone can do some transition magic with it, i am still a javascript n00b :)....

January 22, 2009 · 1 min · 90 words · Me