Firefox operating system released!

One of the first things that i wanted to implement in my university [~2006] was a operating system with only the Firefox browser as the core application. Turns out that is a popular reality now with the Chromebook and well to some extent the Firefox OS which is being released. I at that point had no idea that mobile would become that big, with the exposure that I had. Its all coming together!...

March 9, 2013 · 1 min · 205 words · Me

Posts, tweets and nothing

I am starting from nothing, very little tweeting @dipankarsarkar , and hardly any blog posts here. So 1st December is an attempt at reviving my non-existent web presence. So what keeps me so busy from even writing a simple blog post, i will try to summarize that over the next points Sometime a year back i realized that family was important :), so yes i definitely spend a lot more time with my family....

December 2, 2009 · 3 min · 443 words · Me

obsessing about bdb, queues

So my nightmares do no cease to end, still debating queue solutions and databases. After spending a lot of time thinking about how to handle 100 million entries , concurrency and a lot of jazz here are some conclusions that I have reached. Tokyo Tyrant needs some testing personally. Can it work well within a constrained VPS ? I doubt that after reading all the test results. So need to do a benchmark for this....

October 9, 2009 · 1 min · 162 words · Me