Student's death triggers violence in Kharagpur IIT

The death of a student sparked off violence in the IIT Kharagpur campus on Sunday as angry students damaged the residence of institute Director Damodar Acharya, demanding suspension of the superintendent of the institute-run hospital for alleged negligence. Sad to see all this happening at the most elite institutions of our nation. Hope we get our act right soon.

March 23, 2009 · 1 min · 60 words · Me

uncyclopedia on IIT (Awesomely funny) “Couldn’t you secure admission in ITI?” ~ What every IITian acutally hears from ‘people having no clue’

March 18, 2009 · 1 min · 20 words · Me

IIT versus everyone

“Life’s fair if you don’t compare” The basis of article is the above quote which has no known author. Yesterday, i was sitting with my friends and i was the only IITian sitting there. When these guys started talking about their university life, well I started to realize that the golden years of fun for them were the toughest years for me and my batch. To start this all out, lets go back to the end of 12th and then college life....

November 18, 2008 · 2 min · 353 words · Me