Twitter background generator version 0.1

Working on a very basic twitter background generator, right now focusing on how to get the sidebar width right. It is very much under use at my twitter handle @dipankarsarkar ( The core idea is to be abe to communicate more information about what i do as a person using the background image. Some features that I personally want are Transparency for the sidebar - The image underneath should be visible, right now its a grey opaque color....

September 18, 2009 · 1 min · 169 words · Me

CodeIgniter + nginx : Facebook application

This is a basic tutorial on how to get CodeIgniter facebook application on nginx (with the gotchas). The nginx configuration would be like the following server { listen 80; server_name; location ~ /index.php/ { root /home/production/blah; index index.html index.htm index.php; include conf/fcgi.conf; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/production/fb_apps/quickdate/index.php; fastcgi_pass; } access_log /usr/local/nginx/logs/blah.access_log; error_log /usr/local/nginx/logs/blah.error_log; } The critical line is the fastcgi_params parameter, that changes the whole game. In the code Igniter application you need to add the following file in [app]/system/application/libraries/FB_controller....

November 19, 2008 · 1 min · 202 words · Me

Django : using a seperate memcached cloud for sessions

When you are using a platform like django you realise how slow sessions can get when you are using the database as a backend. The problem of using a memory cache like memcached is the fact that when you restart the server to refresh the cache or remove stale objects, the problem is that you lose your sessions data and a lot of people using your site get logged out. The only solution to this problem is to use 2 memcached instances , one for your regular python objects and another for your sessions objects … this is not a default feature in Django....

November 18, 2008 · 2 min · 400 words · Me