haiku as your desktop

For all the people who have been following the haiku project, it is truly playing out as a viable alternative to the desktop wars with Linux. In my opinion there were only a few that could have beaten the windows dominance, one was the photonGUI and then the BeOS. Turns out the Mac has won a huge chunk of the market, while BBM is killing the photonGUI slowly but steadily....

August 28, 2012 · 1 min · 184 words · Me

Wold clock extension: Google chrome

https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/loilmadfanbmmecbmjfcopplelaikmjc So here i present the google chome world clock extension ! Simple but works great. Developed it in January and has seen over 500 downloads. So go get the beta google chrome and install this cool plugin to keep track of time ;).

May 28, 2010 · 1 min · 44 words · Me