The darwin awards - A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises

Came across this due to my good friend Mr. Samir … well it turns out that there is an award for people who do wierd stuff and end up seriously injured or dead. I salute the guy who is running this … who says there is no humor in death :). Honoring those who improve the species…by accidentally removing themselves from it! Now that is a killer sales line and i am sold here …. now i am off to checking out who won this year’s awards. do join me there too ;) …. Excerpt from one such recipients story. (February 1998) Matthew and his friends were sliding down a Mammoth Mountain ski run on a foam pad at 3am, when he crashed into a lift tower and died. His makeshift sledge of yellow foam had been stolen from the legs of a lift tower on Stump Alley. The cushion is meant to protect skiers who hit the tower, and the tower Matthew ran into was the one from which he had created his sledge. There’s a moral in there somewhere.