Today, SlideShare has shown the way and has become the first of presentation sharing site to become developer friendly. The long-awaited API has been released and yes, I have a series of tutorials in the works for using the really cool REST API released. There is some PHP helper code (ref: SSUtil) which allows a developer to start off using the code, that code also contains some functions which can generate a SlideShare RSS feed for you. Its not great but provides a start, if you want to develop more things using the API. So hop on … and create some really cool SlideShare mashups….

More about the API and what more cool things that can be done in part II , actually the SlideShare Facebook application was built on top of the current API :) , that has to say a lot about how serious SlideShare is about the developer community….

Another big development was fixing the RSS(here) to the new media standard, now the feed rocks and is much more usable than before, the slideshare namespace still exists and will be extended to include other meta information that the current RSS standard doesnt allow us to include :) …. Or we could always work towards pushing the new standard to fit SlideShare feeds he he …. (The RSS compatibility issue needs a complete blog post, I hate what the internet biggies have done to the RSS standard …. the readers have also made it way worse … )

So things to checkout at

SlideShare API Improved RSS - Sample