There is this concept of a search plugin, something which most browsers have now-a-days (Post Mozilla .. Netscape Navigator) , look at the top right corner , right next to the URL bar. I had little idea how you created this so-called search plugin. After a bit of googling , I came across the following links:

  1. Creating OpenSearch plugins for Firefox
  2. Search plugins for firefox/IE7

The first site has this very nerdy approach of explaining how this opensearch plugin works, to keep it very simple its an XML file defining the following : [xml] Desinerd Search Search Desinerd Search desinerd search cool desi technology web20 web

— Image Data —-

UTF-8 false [/xml] Most of this is very simple to fill actually depending upon the search URl you have on your website.

To easily generate a search plugin for your website / blog / portal … just goto and get an Opensearch XML generated. Its as simple as that. I created two .. one for and another for …. So you can check them out here …. You should check out first link to figure out how the search plugin can be auto-discovered from the above link …. You will notice that my site search plugin has been auto-discovered in your Firefox / IE 7 browser. So why wait , get your site up on firefox/IE7 with a small piece of code eh :)

Although 156-215 is not that hard but people still avoid doing it when they are going for 1Y0-259. However a better way to go about this is attempting 1z0-042 before 220-602.