Mosambe is a one-stop shop to find the right jobs and the right talent. It is a platform for you to network with your colleagues, gain greater visibility and find new opportunities. For companies- setting up a branded account, posting a job and finding the right talent is simple, easy, effective and hassle free. Mosambe( is the creation of Kaasu info ventures private limited, a small team based out of Hyderabad. It is by far the most social and nice looking professional networking site in India, and clearly has the potential to challenge the biggies in the India online job market. The coolest parts and in some ways the differentiators are My own cool professional homepage After registering on the site, I was able to get . Out of all the professional sites on the internet, none have focused on creating the right kind of professional homepages.

[caption id=“attachment_235” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Dipankar Mosambe Profile”][/caption] Support for employers, the system has built in work flows which are meant to help the employers / HR consultants find the right kind of jobs. The primary job is to manage the various list of selected people and also being able to search the right kind of people. Great search, like most job sites it has a great search which works great for both the employers and the employees. The intelligent search also sends automatic mailers when people keep getting you as a search result, all we want is a perfect fit for the employee and the employer in this tough market condition.

[caption id=“attachment_236” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Kaasu mosambe search”][/caption] LinkedIn importer So you already have a linkedin profile, too lazy to fill in a new one. Try out the mosambe linkedin importer which will crawl your linkedin profile and fill up the missing blanks in your cool professional homepage. Awesome support The mosambe guys love to enable people and have made it real easy to send in feedback about the site and any problems you face. It has been built for “your” specific needs and the people decide how to make it bigger, faster and better. Social jobbing Mosambe has always believed that professional does not mean “asocial” , we can all be friends and still gain off each other. Message each other, add them as friends, ask them for testimonials and more …. Its the new age of social jobbing. EthicalMosambe does not intend to spam people and it comes out in the site manifesto. I have been a part of many job sites and feel that these guys spam rather unecessarily. This is pretty much the DNA of a good internet portal in my view.

Mosambe clearly has a lot difference in terms of what it offers to the India job market (which seems to be stuck in the era and refuses to come out to web 2.0), only time will tell how this will pan out.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] for an invite to this amazing service.