This is going to be a series of article about the facebook application platform, my story with it started a month back. Till now I have put in a lot of effort on this for SlideShare (Which has a sizeable audience now) . To add to it I am working on a new set of applications which will be released soon. i would love to share the experiences I had with this evolving platform till now, to strart off I would like to list out some important things before starting :

  1. You should understand how this facebook application set-up works. It is best explained in the wiki.
  2. Decide how the app should work (iframe or FBML) , this choice will decide a lot of things about your application.
  3. Remember you cannot save any meta information (except for photos) about the user in this facebook setup.
  4. You should also keep in mind that uploading files has to be done outside the facebook canvas page in an iframe. (This is an very important point for a file sharing based application)
  5. Last be not the least, have lots of fun while trying to build the application :) … thats the way to make it real viral (coz if ya enjoi it other people would for sure)
  6. Some facebook applications have millions of users, you cant miss out on this platform ….

So as my apps start showing up I will keep throwing out source code, hope this helps some guys out there.

Alert: If anyone needs to build a facebook application and needs help , dont be scared to contact me at dipankarsarkar[at] gmail [dot] com.

Relevant links:

Facebook application homepageDevelopers sectionDevelopers Wiki (The best FBML reference)