Well like all geeks and nerds i am obsessed about the ranking of my page when i search for “Dipankar Sarkar” , “Dipankar” :) . The good part is that there are very few “Dipankar Sarkar” to challenge me …. the sad part is that there is some competition on the “Dipankar” space … and i am 12th on that list …

So the challenger’s are : (google term : ‘dipankar’) Dipankar Bhattacharya - http://www.rri.res.in/~dipankar/ Dipankar Dasgupta - http://www.cs.memphis.edu/~dasgupta/ Dipankar Banerjee - http://www.iiap.res.in/personnel/dipu/index.html Dipankar Raychaudhuri - http://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/pub/docs/faculty/RayBio.html Dipankar Das - http://dipankardas.blogspot.com/ Dipankar Kasaju - http://dipankar.com.np Dipankar Ghose - http://www.kolkatabirds.com/odipankar.htm Dipankar Dey - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0223336/ (Crappy search on HT for Dipankar Gupta) Dipankar - http://www.kuzzuk.net (A bangladesh university ) - www.atishdipankaruniversity.edu.bd

The cool thing is that the top 4 are all research people, which makes sense. They will have publications and research linking to other sites thus increasing their popularity. I cant explain 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , how exactly have they beaten me on this list. Will need to do a bit more research and see how i can hit top 5 on this list .

The coolest part is that i think google search has started to falter on search results, this is going to open a whole new phase of the search battle. Waiting to see what people at poweset and cuill will do to improve search …. lets see …