Delhi which is traditionally not known for technology is having its Barcamp, here is some blurb and links to get people started. Check them out and register for this awesome event.

For the uninitiated Barcamp is an unconference where all sorts of people come in for all sorts of reasons (freebies, free wifi included) . Those who are willing to present/speak on a topic simply add their names in the wiki and they are allocated a time slot to present. Though most attendees are related to software/internet the event is just not restricted to it, barcamp bangalore 6(BCB6) being the perfect example which had participation from all sorts of people from Internet Junkies to Social Activists.

If you are either a geek, blogger, internet junkie, entrepreneur BCD4 is the place to be.

BarcampDelhi 4 takes place on 17th of may at

Amity Innovation Incubator Auditorium, Block C, Amity University Campus Sector 125, Noida

Hoping to see you all there..