Touchscreen, health effects ?

Well, I was thinking today the whole world is suddenly all about touch screens ! Just like all other devices, I am sure it has some effect on humans. I started doing some research as to the published papers on this topic, turns out that there are none. So here is my take on what can be the potential issues with touchscreens ergonomic issues, it can lead to issues with your finger with longer term use of such devices....

September 7, 2010 · 2 min · 221 words · Me

Why does ebay india suck !

This would definitely count as a rant post ! I am a gadget freak and it seems that all the good stuff is only available at an affordable cost [even after USD to INR conversion] on ebay US or UK. No matter how much one says, ebay India or formerly bazee is a whole lota noise, and little auction. Lets do a small study on what I am talking about here...

September 7, 2010 · 2 min · 280 words · Me

Nested comments

Comments inside comments ! That seems to be a basic issue in PHP. Lets say i am including a php file, and i comment it out using /* */ and it super freaks out when that file has comments. Simple things that can save developer pain and i am sure it is not a difficult patch

August 2, 2010 · 1 min · 56 words · Me

Support and PHP

So got to setting up OTRS, neat email based support system and it works pretty well it seems. There are some issues setting it up initially, but it integrates very well into your support email ! Should have thought of using it for kwippy once i think about it he he. Just managed to get PHP compiled from source with php-fpm patch on it, the configure string was as follows...

August 2, 2010 · 1 min · 146 words · Me

FeinCMS and DjangoCMS

Spent sometime working with both over the last month, created 2 ecommerce sites around these and here are some observations which may help people decide what works for them FeinCMS was a pain to get started with, i had to base it all on the default example as the documentation was not enough to get it all started from scratch. I was using the trunk as it has goodies [like a blog] which the stable did not have....

May 28, 2010 · 1 min · 188 words · Me